Where Can I Find Military Surplus In Malta?
As a former British colony, Malta has a long-standing history of surplus shops stretching back to the famous ‘Pickless’ warehouse in Zejtun, all the way to our day and age where MERC Trading remains the last bastion of true Surplus Kit vendors in Malta. Overall stocks of surplus in Malta have dwindled, particularly since Brexit and the conflict in Ukraine.
Without it sounding too much like total self-promotion, there’s really no one else who sees fit to import surplus kit en masse to the Maltese islands anymore. However, given our dedication to keeping the Military Thrifting culture alive and well we have maintained our commercial networks across Europe and the Continental United States to try and keep the flow of surplus into Malta open for business.
You are welcome to look elsewhere of course. A useful heads-up would be that you will most likely encounter Pattern 58-era British equipment complimented by desert and woodland DPM kit. More modern British MTP kit remains in some inventories known to us and much more is still floating around on online P2P commerce sites like Facebook Marketplace and sometimes MaltaPark. If you’re lucky you might come across some German and Austrian military equipment floating around here and there (keep an eye out for those Bundeswehr parkas!)
How are we different?
Most surplus stocks are usually graded on a numerical scale of 1-3. Although not completely immune to this, we pride ourselves in being as close to Surplus sources as possible and can procure Surplus in its literal form (stuff that militaries don’t need on the basis they have too much of it.).
This means that our surplus stocks oftentimes come to us sealed and brand spanking new. We’ll sell them to you the same way. Yes, it’s become harder to procure and consequently, a bit pricier. But above all else Surplus is kit with a story, that will still outcompete most flagship ‘outdoorsy’ brands in durability and price.
Don’t be a sucker, work with MERC!